Monday, January 28, 2008

Unemployment = Gateway to the 21st Century

Well, it was only a matter of time before Popsicle learned how to use the internet, really. Now I'm going to have five zillion new pairs of socks and no where to go!

Seriously, though, what got me to enter the blogosphere? Pookiedictable, I'd say you're largely to blame. Once Popsicle saw and realized that she, too could have her face plastered all across the world wide interwebs ;) she became insistent. She has a lot to say, really - serious life questions to submit to the universe; like for example; "Why is it that I have very systematically instituted a strict schedule of prompt inhalation of Potato's food each and every time an ounce of kibble hits the bowl only to find that she still lives?! Curses!" And more importantly, "Why must I suffer from objectophillia? When will I learn to love?"

Okay, fine, the truth is that I'm sick and tired of hopelessly searching the internet waiting for a pop up window to inform me of my true life's passion.

"Congratulations! You have been randomly selected to fill our agency's



I actually did a google search for Life Coaches today. I think I may allow Popsicle to fulfill her life-long dream of putting me out of my misery ;)

Eventually I may even make this blog look pretty with pictures and music links and stuff but considering that my laptop is filled with hate (it's being 'fixed' for the same glitch apple 'fixed' two months ago)...and considering that Ben's laptop is older than Moses and is probably going to explode any minute due to the broken fan...I think I'll return to that endeavor at a later date. As for the rest of the day, Jerky Breath has a previously arranged unmaking of the bed scheduled for 3:30. I have to go prep the bed.

Love to my peeps

1 comment:

Big Sis said...

Wow Sis, first of all I'm shocked that the girl I know who used to hate email is now blogging! But maybe you've found a calling. You're pretty witty so maybe you could start investigating writing pet stories or something while you're looking for your "calling". Love to you and the zoo.