Monday, March 31, 2008

So, I'm A Slacker - Like You're Shocked

I know, I know. Apparently, "deciding what to do with my life" is a bit of an overwhelming conundrum that requires 100% of my attention to be focused on my personal shortcomings, not the least of which is my complete inability to make a concrete decision. Case in point; I couldn't even successfully cultivate this new hobby without taking a sabbatical before my entries even hit the double digits. Sad, really.

However, it would seem that now that my life is sorting itself out somewhat, I am no longer afraid to sneak back onto the blogosphere. I’m still not used to this medium, evidently - blogging as a form of journaling. On some level I felt beholden to chronicle every little triumph and failure of the job search and that sounded like an exercise in self-torment so I opted against it.

And of course, I am still somewhat insecure about the potentially life-altering decisions I've made in the last few weeks, but I promise to invite feedback soon.

So, until the time to do so arrives, let's get down to some seriously important fluff:

#1 Saw a funny movie: Death At A Funeral. You will actually find it in the comedy section. Great British humor. Wry and over-the-top at the same time. Odd, but very entertaining.

#2 Saw a movie that I HATED: Into The Wild. Okay, HATE may be a strong word. The acting was actually very fine. And I should have known that I would detest this movie because I began the book ages ago and decided to back out of that 200-page commitment because the book was anxiety producing for me. Why I thought a moving picture OF THE BOOK would not have this affect, I cannot really say. Momentary lapse of sanity, I suppose. But seriously, am I the only person who cannot stand movies that are full of that kind of psychological torment? I'm crazy enough on my own, thank you VERY much! I do not need to spend my leisure time pondering someone else's all consuming, trauma-induced psychosis. That's what shrinks are for. Although, I will give John Krakauer points for Under The Banner of Heaven. That is an excellent book. I think the level of crazy in that book is so extreme that it’s easier to remove oneself from it, you know?

#3 Got back into singing, a favorite past time of mine that I have seriously neglected for...oh, roughly ten years. I am singing two duets and one quartet with Ben's aunt and her trio at an upcoming party. It is so exhilarating to be doing something again that you were once so good at. I was worried I wouldn't be able to get my old vocal strength back but it's coming, slowly but surely. So, I want to recommend this rekindling of old pastimes to all. BH - you should pick up a paintbrush to give your brain a respite. And If I'm not ever going to see my take from the green-period, I'll settle for your first post-masters-period piece instead.